~ Hey,Hi, Hello, and Welcome! ~

I am so glad you’re here! I’m Caroline and I am a creative portrait, performance, and commercial photographer born and raised in Richmond, VA. 

You'll often find me running into at least 8 people I know at the grocery store, collecting quarters, and taking allergy medication to handle my two cats that I’m allergic to.

I’m passionate about documenting our lives and using the imagination to create extraordinary scenes from places hidden in plain sight because

photography makes me feel alive

What inspires me

Interior Design Architectural Style Fashion

Laughter Emotion Adventure

Nature Terrain Light

Click through my favorites things below:

Studio portrait of girl with blue and pick lollipops surrounding her.
Red haired girl at Blue Slide Park for the celebration of Mac Miller.
Concert photographer taking pictures in the pit in Richmond Virginia.
Portrait of red haired girl with a white sweater from Madewell behind a pink brick mural.